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Continuous Location-based Spatial Queries using a Proxy-based Approach

Malatesh M., Kedarnath Biradar


The intent of the paper is to obtain continuous location-based spatial queries using a proxy-based approach. Initially proxy creates estimated valid region for mobile clients. Using novel representation more effective EVRs of window queries are obtained. In this paper, index structures, EVR-tree and grid index are used for NN queries and window queries. To support for NN query answering and EVR updating, grid index is used. For performance evaluation several experiments are conducted.

Keywords: Estimated valid regions (EVRs), estimated window vectors (EWVs), spatial queries

Cite this Article:
Malatesh M, Kedarnath Biradar. Continuous Location-based spatial queries using a proxy-based approach. Journal of Computer Technology and Applications. 2015; 6(1): 19–22p.

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