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End-to-End Data Security for Multi-Tenant Cloud Environment

Tushar Bhardwaj


This paper details the construction of a functional model that ensures data kept encrypted; while being processed in a multi-tenanted cloud environment. This can be done using homomorphic encryption only though the approach lacks in ability to search large databases. In a multi-tenant cloud environment, data is stored on several distinct data centers. As the request is encrypted, the server can't come up with exact match, so it would probably return information of all its matching records. This research work uses a functional gloved-box model that ensures an effective end-to-end cloud data security. The outcome is that a database in the cloud be able to handle a request and return a response without decrypting the query and data. To make things happen this way, data is first-most encrypted by using Homomorphic encryption(public-key), than decrypted using Garbled-circuit(private key), and at last the private key of garbled-circuit is being made safe by encrypting it again by Attribute-based Encryption.

Keywords: Multi-tenant cloud security, homomorphic, garbled-circuit, attribute-based encryption.

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