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Elevating Security in IoT Cloud Fusion: Challenges and Remedies

Ushaa Eswaran, Vivek Eswaran, Keerthna Murali, Vishal Eswaran


The integration of internet of things (IoT) devices and cloud computing platforms, known as IoT cloud fusion, enables powerful new applications but also poses significant security risks. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the security challenges in IoT cloud fusion and emerging remedies to elevate protection. We assess key threats around data privacy, authentication, integrity, scalability, and interoperability through a systematic literature review methodology. Encryption, access controls, blockchain, and other technologies are examined as existing safeguards, along with intelligent security enhancements on the horizon leveraging machine learning and decentralized computing. Best practices for threat modeling, user awareness, and coordinated response are also highlighted. Case studies of real-world implementations shed light on considerations for balanced innovation and proactive security across sectors like healthcare, smart cities, and Industry 4.0. As IoT cloud deployments accelerate, purposeful cross-layer system designs incorporating multilayered controls from the edge to the cloud alongside user-centric privacy customization provide paths to elevate integrity, resiliency, and trust in these profoundly transformative platforms.


Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, IoT cloud fusion, cloud-centric IoT, security, privacy, blockchain, access control

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