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Designing an Application for Community Assistance: WedsPay

Ashish Kumar, Atrij Dixit, Harsh Maheshwari, Utkarsh Sharma


As the world continues to adjust to the new normal of social distancing, we are seeing a significant shift toward digitalization in many aspects of our lives. In light of this, we have come up with an innovative idea of receiving gifts and blessings from loved ones in a digital format. Our platform, Wedspay, aims to make the process of accepting cash gifts as easy and seamless as possible by allowing them to be received through digital wallets. In India, maintaining records of cash envelopes (given as a gift) is a complex and time-consuming task. Additionally, collecting cash gifts can be a hassle for families as it requires someone to physically manage the cash. ‘Wedspay’ aims to eliminate these issues by providing a digital platform that allows for easy collection of gifts and maintenance of records for future reference. The research work describes the development of Wedspay, a digital solution for accepting cash gifts during weddings and other special occasions. The platform provides a secure and user-friendly solution that streamlines the process of managing cash transactions through the use of digital payments. The study explains the methodology behind the platform, which includes user and marriage registration, creating a campaign, tracking contributions, and automated funds transfer. The platform is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js for the front end and SQL and MySQL for database management. The study concludes that Wedspay simplifies the process of collecting and managing cash gifts, making it more efficient, organized, and secure for everyone involved.


Front-end, back-end, user registration, marriage registration, database, payment interface, transactions, node.js, javascript

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