Nail Image Processing for Early Symptom Detection of Diseases based on Supervised Learning

Priya Maniyan, B L Shivakumar


Digital Image Processing of human nail can be used for the prediction of various systemic and dermatological diseases. The proposed system – Nail Image Processing System using SVM (NIPS-S) helps us to create a model for the analysis of human nail and predict various diseases. The input to the proposed system is the Human Palm Image. The nail portion is segmented and a combination of nail color, shape and   texture features are extracted and analysis of nail is done which is used for the diagnosis of various diseases. This proposed system will surely assist the medical practitioners in the early diagnosis of diseases.

Cite this Article
Priya Maniyan, Shivakumar BL. Nail Image Processing for Disease Detection
based on Supervised Learning. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications.
2017; 8(3): 49–61p.


Nail analysis, texture analysis, disease prediction, digital image processing, binary classification, SVM

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