Hybrid Deduplication for Secure Data Sharing Using Erasure Techniques and HIDC

Priya Dudhale Pise, Nilesh Uke


Data deduplication has an important role in reducing storage consumption to make it affordable to manage in today’s explosive data growth. To overcome the problems occurring in the cloud a system is proposed, in which History Aware Inline De-duplication algorithm for checking duplicity of data before uploading it on the server is used. MD5 algorithm is used to generate the hash value of the data. Also, erasure coding is used for encoding and storing data and for the recovery purpose when data will get corrupted. An experiment would be carried out on multiple types of files. For securing the file, a soft data destruction technique would be used. In order to perform secure data sharing, data folding technique is used which realizes more efficient data soft destruction to override itself.

Cite this Article
Priya Dudhale-Pise, Nilesh Uke. Hybrid Deduplication for Secure Data Sharing
Using Erasure Techniques and HIDC. Journal of Computer Technology &
Applications. 2017; 8(3): 34–39p.


Erasure technique, history aware inline de-duplication, data destruction, data soft destruction

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