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Smart QR Based Parking System

Siddahant Jain, Shivam Kumar Mishra, Madhur Bihani, Palash Goyal


Abstract: Today parking management is a big issue in our society because of rapid growth in a number of vehicles day by day so in order to manage this problem, there has to be a solution, which helps getting rid of problems arising due to the lack of a proper parking management system. Hence finding a parking space has become an unpleasant experience in many metropolitan cities. There are many parking management systems like PGIS (Parking Guidance Information Systems), GIS (Geographic Information System), etc. These systems provide the driver with a view of the near real-time parking situation of his destination and allow the driver to reserve a space for a vehicle. In this present paper, we have represented an alternate solution based on Smart QR Technology for Parking Management using Android Application. This system will collectively alleviate traffic congestion, reduce fuel consumption and provide a user-friendly interface to access parking.

Keywords: Android application, internet of things, parking management, protocols, QR code technology, web map server

Cite this Article: Siddahant Jain, Shivam Kumar Mishra, Madhur Bihani, Palash Goyal. Smart QR Based Parking System. Journal of Computer Technology & Applications. 2019; 10(3): 12–18p.


Internet of Things, Protocols, Android Application, QR code technology, Web Map Server, Parking Management

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